Legacy Circle

    Join us in ensuring that the Brooklyn Museum remains a vibrant hub of art, ideas, and courageous conversations for generations to come.

    Our Legacy Circle is a group of dedicated supporters who have included the Museum in their wills or other estate plans in support of its mission. In thanks for your planned gift commitment, we are pleased to offer customized invitations to VIP events and receptions.

    Please consult with a financial or tax professional to determine the most appropriate way to include the Brooklyn Museum in your estate plan. The Brooklyn Museum is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN: 11-1672743).

    If you have already provided for the Brooklyn Museum in your will, please let us know so that we can honor your wishes and celebrate your legacy today. Contact Jacob Middlekauff, Senior Campaign Manager, Individual Giving, at 718.501.6552 or legacy@brooklynmuseum.org.