Public support

    The Brooklyn Museum is a not-for-profit corporation whose Trustees operate the Museum in a building owned by the City of New York. The People of the City of New York provide major funding for the Museum’s operations through the City’s Department of Cultural Affairs. The combined generosity of the Museum’s Members, Trustees, and visitors, as well as that of corporate, foundation, government, and individual donors, underwrites the Museum’s programs and activities each year.

    We extend special thanks to the following elected officials and government bodies whose support helps sustain the Museum’s operations, educational activities, and special exhibitions:

    • The City of New York

    • The Brooklyn Borough President

    • The Mayor of the City of New York

    • The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs

    • The New York City Council and its Brooklyn Delegation

    • The State of New York

    • The Governor of the State of New York

    • The New York State Assembly and its Brooklyn Delegation

    • The New York State Council on the Arts

    • New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation

    • The New York State Senate and its Brooklyn Delegation

    • The United States Government

    • Institute of Museum and Library Services

    • National Endowment for the Arts

    • National Endowment for the Humanities