Ask a Conservator
Ask a Conservator is a regular series demystifying the work that conservators do at the Brooklyn Museum.
Ask a Conservator
How Do Conservators Handle Ancient Art?
By: Angela LeersnyderBreaking down questions about the treatment and preservation of ancient artworks.
Ask a Conservator
How Do You Become a Conservator?
By: Celeste MahoneyPeople from all types of backgrounds find themselves drawn to this unique career path.
Ask a Conservator
How Do You Handle Sensitive Materials?
By: Kate Wight TylerFrom building microclimates to considering cultural backgrounds, here are a few ways conservators work to protect artworks.
Ask a Conservator
What’s the Weirdest Work You’ve Ever Conserved?
By: Lisa BrunoIntroducing a new column that demystifies the work of museum conservators.