Lobbying the Gods For A Miracle, Brooklyn

Brooklyn Museum photograph
Nona Faustine American, born 1977. Lobbying the Gods For A Miracle, Brooklyn, 2016. Chromogenic print, sheet: 27 15/16 × 42 in. (71 × 106.7 cm) image: 26 9/16 × 40 in. (67.5 × 101.6 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Emily Winthrop Miles Fund, 2017.41c. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 2017.41c_PS20.jpg)
Not on view
Not on view
Lobbying the Gods For A Miracle, Brooklyn
Chromogenic print
sheet: 27 15/16 × 42 in. (71 × 106.7 cm) image: 26 9/16 × 40 in. (67.5 × 101.6 cm)
Credit Line
Emily Winthrop Miles Fund
Accession Number
© artist or artist's estate
The Brooklyn Museum holds a non-exclusive license to reproduce images of this work of art from the rights holder named here. The Museum does not warrant that the use of this work will not infringe on the rights of third parties. It is your responsibility to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions before copying, transmitting, or making other use of protected items beyond that allowed by "fair use," as such term is understood under the United States Copyright Act. For further information about copyright, we recommend resources at the United States Library of Congress, Cornell University, Copyright and Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for U.S. Libraries, Archives, and Museums, and Copyright Watch. For more information about the Museum's rights project, including how rights types are assigned, please see our blog posts on copyright. If you have any information regarding this work and rights to it, please contact copyright@brooklynmuseum.org. If you wish to contact the rights holder for this work, please email copyright@brooklynmuseum.org and we will assist if we can.
Frequent Art Questions
How were Nona Faustine’s self portraits received by the general public? Does she have other notable pieces?
Through this image, and the others in the White Shoes series, Nona Faustine dismantles the notion of an ever-progressive NYC by posing nude at sites connected to slavery. They include former locations of a burial ground, a slave market, and the home of one of New York's earliest dynastic, slave-owning families, the Lefferts.Nona Faustine has been showing consistently. She had a critically acclaimed exhibition called "My Country" in New York in 2016. She has received numerous awards, including Anonymous Was a Woman and BRIC’s Colene Brown Art Prize, both in 2019.The white shoes that she wears in the image and has tied into the waist of her skirt are key iconography across the series, but she hasn't spoken much about their meaning. She prefers to hear viewers' own interpretations.
Through these images, and others in the series, Faustine poses at sites in New York connected to slavery to document histories that are being erased.I am teaching a course on colonial NYC and trying to see how the settler colonial extermination generated solidarity with slaves, across national and racial identities.
Did you see the piece by Nona Faustine in "Half the Picture"? She addresses slavery in New York. The pieces are "Not Gone With The Wind, Lefferts House, Brooklyn"; "Isabelle, Lefferts House, Brooklyn"; and "Lobbying the Gods for a Miracle, Brooklyn".
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